Disconnected Systems: The Power of Unified Data and Automation

Author: Alanah Author Alanah
Published: 31 August 2023
5 Minute Read

Navigating Business Complexity

In today's world, a confluence of economic, social, and political pressures is reshaping the behaviour of customers and their allocation of resources. As we delve into these shifts, it becomes apparent that forecasting success, adapting products, and refining communication strategies to meet evolving demands have never been more complex.

Among the obstacles impeding growth, disconnected systems stand out. In a world that seems to be increasingly unpredictable, possessing accurate information with which to make crucial decisions can differentiate between significant competitive advantage and business downfall. Moreover, there's a surge towards heightened data privacy, influencing how contact details are captured, user behaviours tracked, and data employed across a diverse geographic spectrum, all of which impinge on modern CX strategies.

Simultaneously, the ascent of cloud technology and its influence on new market entrants have elevated the challenge of selecting and constructing an effective tech stack. A mere decade ago, global marketing technology choices numbered around 150, and a "CRM" was likely an Excel sheet. Fast forward to today, where over 10,000 options exist, and true CRM systems enjoy almost universal adoption, even in smaller businesses.

This has created an environment where businesses try to solve problems by replacing or adding tech. Notably, Forrester reports a staggering 32% annual technology churn rate in mid-market enterprises as operational and IT teams tackle increasingly complex issues. Predictably, the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined business-customer interactions. Based on Productiv's research, many upper mid-market and enterprise organisations now utilise up to 52 apps for sales, driven primarily by remote work.

These factors, coupled with numerous other drivers, have paved the way for widespread data fragmentation. Currently, most businesses lack the systems and processes required to deliver a unified, end-to-end data solution. Amidst this data crisis, the role of revenue operations (RevOps) and the indispensable automation and data centralisation initiatives they lead have grown critical.

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Systems, Experiences, and Customers

Designing integrated cross-channel experiences that mirror constantly shifting buying behaviours and capture fleeting market trends mandates instant, on-demand digital task augmentation, automation, and execution. Scaling this with agility requires the democratisation of digital delivery, including key components such as:

  • Developing your RevOps function
  • Viewing Automation as a strategic asset
  • Deploying the Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) toolbox
  • Constructing the architecture to centralise and efficiently utilise data

In the era of post-digital transformation, a transition has occurred from the era of big data to that of big operations. This evolution has birthed RevOps for GTM (Go-To-Market) teams. 

The RevOps Model:

RevOps plays a pivotal role in aligning the customer journey, pre and post-sales, while managing non-product experiences across the entire lifecycle. The problem with RevOps, is that it is still an emerging field and as is typical at this stage in the development of a new business function, there are many definitions of what RevOps is and does. There are merits to most definitions, but the consistent points are:

  • Commercial Coalition: Tackling cross-functional misalignment through KPI management and refining routes to market.
  • End-to-End Revenue Process Support: Identifying diverse funnel types, overseeing revenue milestones, and ensuring seamless handoffs for a coherent customer experience.
  • Revenue Tech Stack: Streamlining technology choices, managing capability prerequisites, and advancing use case maturity.
  • Communal Data: Formulating data strategy and ensuring quality assurance, along with facilitating accessibility and dissemination of insights.
  • Interconnecting Workflows: Integrating technology solutions, automating cross-functional workflows, and ensuring insights are readily available and actionable at scale.

Benefits of RevOps:

RevOps is a dynamic approach that yields a host of benefits for modern businesses. By harmonising processes, enhancing customer experiences, and optimising revenue performance, RevOps plays a pivotal role in achieving growth and success. Let's explore some of the key advantages that organisations can gain from embracing the RevOps model:

  • Aligned Revenue Processes: RevOps ensures seamless alignment of sales, marketing, and customer success functions, optimising the entire revenue cycle.
  • Enhanced Customer Journey: Focusing on delivering exceptional customer experiences, RevOps aligns customer touchpoints and interactions.
  • Increased Revenue Performance: RevOps maximises revenue potential, enhances sales effectiveness, and propels overall revenue growth.
  • Improved Cross-Functional Collaboration: RevOps fosters collaboration and alignment among sales, marketing, and customer success teams to create cohesive revenue strategies.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: RevOps guarantees scalable and adaptable revenue processes to accommodate growth and changing market dynamics.
  • Enhanced Forecasting and Planning: Accurate forecasting and revenue projections enable proactive planning and goal-setting.
  • Performance Measurement and KPI Tracking: RevOps establishes key performance indicators (KPIs) and tracking mechanisms for monitoring and enhancing revenue performance.
  • Competitive Advantage: By implementing RevOps practices, businesses gain a competitive edge through optimised revenue processes, customer-centric strategies, and revenue growth.
  • Operational Efficiency: RevOps streamlines processes, eliminates inefficiencies and optimises resource allocation for improved operational efficiency.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Leveraging data analytics, RevOps provides insights that drive informed decision-making and revenue optimisation.

Strategic Role of Automation

Automation and its silent partner, integration, serves as a foundational pillar of revenue operations and is of course a key enabler when solving the problems of a disconnected tech stack. The statistics underscore its significance, as CEOs plan to increase automation spending, pace, and implementation timelines. Designing an integration and automation strategy is pivotal in business transformation. This strategy, built on multidisciplinary teams rather than being IT-led, can leverage an iPaaS for rapid, agile solution delivery.

Crafting Your Integration and Automation Strategy

In a world defined by rapid technological evolution, the strategic integration and automation of business processes have become paramount. To navigate this complex landscape and unlock efficiency gains, it's essential to develop a well-defined integration and automation strategy that considers the following: 

  • Business Goals: Clearly define your goals to guide the strategy. Efficiency improvements may involve outsourcing or in-house efforts, while process innovation necessitates a distributed delivery model.
  • Scenarios and Use Cases: Identify specific use cases like application integration, process automation, APIs, and more.
  • Non-functional Requirements: Define automation requirements for scalability, security, availability, reliability, and compliance.
  • Delivery Model, Governance, and Skills: Choose a centralised or decentralised delivery model based on your goals and aspirations.
  • Architecture and Technology Platforms: Procure platforms aligned with your requirements and delivery model while minimising overlaps.

The iPaaS Toolkit

iPaaS transforms the game by enabling low-code or no-code environments. This empowers subject matter experts to rapidly create, customise, and deploy integrations, driving agility, and problem-solving. Benefits of iPaaS include agility in dynamic environments, empowering subject matter experts, cost and resource efficiency, scalability and flexibility, as well as seamless connectivity.

Unlocking the Power of Data

In the quest to become more data-driven and deliver personalised customer experiences, marketing organisations are embarking on data centralisation projects enabled by their integration and automation strategies. However, many enterprises face challenges in unifying customer data across systems. To fully harness the potential of multi-touch attribution, AI-driven customer experiences, and personalised initiatives, it's crucial to adopt a holistic data strategy that goes beyond addressing isolated issues.

Let's take a look at some best practices:

  • Comprehensive Data Strategy: Set clear objectives and capabilities for managing data-driven practices.
  • Identify Relevant Data Sources: Focus on data that advances your objectives while leveraging integration and automation.
  • Unify Data for a Single Source of Truth: Centralise data for ongoing advancement and application.
  • Enable Data Accessibility Across Functions: Develop governance frameworks to ensure computational efficiency, data privacy, compliance, and security.

By adopting these practices alongside a coherent integration and automation strategy, businesses can harness data's potential, centralise operations, and excel in an environment where customer experience reigns supreme. Amidst the complexity of today's business landscape, the synergy of unified systems, strategic automation, and optimised data utilisation paves the way for unparalleled success. Organisations that embrace these principles not only elevate their operational efficiency but also position themselves to meet evolving customer demands with agility and foresight. As customer expectations continue to evolve, those equipped with robust integration, automation, and data strategies stand poised to carve out a lasting competitive advantage.

Get in touch to find out how we can help. 

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