Watch the full-length video demo of our AI Lead Management Accelerator

The optimum time to respond to an inbound lead is 5 minutes. However, the average B2B sales team takes 42 hours to respond and unsurprisingly 38% of those leads never reply. Watch our video demo to discover how easily our Accelerator can solve this problem for your team!

How does it work?

The Accelerator is a pre-built framework of automations built using a modular microservices architecture within Workato. It is built and tested to full production grade for both HubSpot and Salesforce. However, the benefit of using this rather than changing something in your tech stack for yet another SaaS app is that it can be flexed to your specific requirements and processes. Our expert team will help you adapt the Accelerator to your requirements and deploy it within your environment, including training and full process documentation specific to your organisation. If you'd like to know more about the Accelerator, you can book a call with the creator directly below.

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